Thursday, July 17, 2014

Countdown is ON!

On the shores of the Strait of Georgia
So we are now in the Comox area, living in a hotel as our house renos are finished. It's beautiful here...and we've already dunked our feet in Pacific waters to make it official.

But DEPENDENT releases in TWELVE DAYS! And my release party is booked!

Are you in Victoria on August 2nd? Mark your calendar and come to Chapters on Douglas! More details about this and other signings coming up as they are finalized.

And if you are a blogger and want to feature DEPENDENT on your blog...sign up HERE.

If you haven't pre-ordered DEPENDENT, and you would like to, you can find it on any major internet book sales platform. Check out the links to the left, or go into your local bookstore and request it!

Thank you so much for your support in this wonderful adventure. You are all amazing!


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